Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Checking the version of Windows Installer on a machine.

Often, we need to know what version of windows Installer is available on a machine. Valid scenario's are like if we want some features of our installshield product specific to a Windows Installer version.

For this, go to Windows\System 32 folder. Look for MSI.DLL and check its version. If the version is 3.1.4000.2435, you have the latest version.

One common point of confusion is that even if you have the latest version of Windows Installer 3.1 on your system and you type in msiexec.exe /? from a command-window, you will still be told that you are on version 3.1.4000.1823 or 3.1.4000.1830. This is because msiexec.exe /? will only give you the version of msiexec on the system -- not the other Windows Installer-related dll's. (The version of msiexec was not updated to 3.1.4000.2435 with the (v2) redistributable, just msi.dll was updated.)"

VB Script:

I found a neat .vbs browser hosted script fo this. Save the following code as .htm
<script language="vbscript">
sub document_onclick()
set installer = createobject("windowsinstaller.installer")
msgbox installer.version
end sub
Click me for Windows Installer version...

and you are done:-). Note that the "windowsinstaller.installer" object is not marked safe for scripting in IE browser hosted script... Double click the saved htm file and then you need to click the information bar to allow the blocked ActiveX control in IE.