Wednesday, July 7, 2010

To get TextChange, ListBox select, ComboBox Select event

The CtrlGetSubCommand function retrieves the action performed on a control in a custom dialog. For example, CtrlGetSubCommand can tell you if the user single-clicked or double-clicked a list box or combo box control. It can also tell you when the contents of an edit field have changed.

Advanced developers can call CmdGetHwndDlg to handle additional information.


CtrlGetSubCommand (szDialogName);

szDialogName -- Specifies the name of a custom dialog.
Return Values:
CtrlGetSubCommand Return Values:
EDITBOX_CHANGE (-1007) -- The contents of the edit box have changed.

LISTBOX_ENTER (-1008) -- The user double-clicked a list box item.
LISTBOX_SELECT (-1009) -- The user single-clicked a list box item.

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